The best place of employment

If job means to you much more than only earning money, if you like to be member of young and energetic IT expert with manya lot of avant-grade ideas, we are searching for you. We are offering you an employment in successful corporation. We are offering you a friendly working atmosphere and big pay checks. You are not sure if you like to join us? Perchance you need to get to know us!

IT, technology
Author: reynermedia
Taken from:
Objectivity Poland is at local market from 2004. From small, independent firm, we become large company, with four hundreds of workers and we are still searching for new ones- see page: objectivity poland. Our department in Wroclaw is specialized in near shore outsourcing for customers from UK. We are giving first rate services, with devoted team of IT specialists. Our workers are skilled at plenty of fields, ready to manage with even most problematic complications at any levels. Our rates are highly competitive, and because of that, we have plenty of new jobs to operate with. We are looking for technical architects, business analysts, software designers and project managers. You will be cooperating, depend of size of a project, in teams from two to even twenty people, dedicated to specific clients. Everyone will get their job to do, and manager will coordinate it.

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Objectivity - nice place for workers and contractors - see more information!

Author: MBWA PR
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In 2005 Objectivity open nearshore outsourcing in Wroclaw, Poland. Ten years later it employing almost five hundreds IT specialist. It is known for it professionalism and efficient, manyt of contractors are acclaiming them for that. But it is not just fantastic corporation for buyers, it is also very nice place of employment. In 2015 it almost won competition for the most homely work environment. Here are some more words about their specializations on couple IT sectors.

IT office
Author: Sylvain Kalache
Taken from:
We are offering you very attractive employment with plenty of advantages (sport, cultural and many more), life insurance, personal medical treatment for you and your family, full-time job. You will get an odd to collaborating with encouraging, young people with plenty of knowledge in IT field. We are treating all of our workers evenly, we appreciate every concepts and another points of view. We are attempt to make our specialists more and more qualified, so we are arranging a lot of trainings with the best masters. Also, after hours, we let our employees get to know each others better, during social encounters. So why you are still speculate, if you wish to join us?

If you are IT expert at any sector, with at least two years experience, and imaginative mind, we are looking for you. Do not miss a chance to be member of Objectivity Poland, winner of 2015's award of Great Place to Work content.
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