Informations from trade
Author: Dima Viunnyk
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It’s gonna be completely different holiday this year

This year together with husband we have decided to spent upcoming holidays in rather not standard way. Instead of flying somewhere or taking a bus, we have decided to go by the car. But that was not the only one new thing for us. We choose any destination but to go around by the car anywhere we will feel like travel to. To begin with, that idea sounded for me too weird to do this, but ultimaltely I agreed in view of two things.
businessmen from Asia
Author: Itamar Mendelson
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What are the most important rules in the sphere of business that can support us significantly realize each aim we would set ourselves?

Developing an own business is with no doubt something substantial number of people think about. It is connected with the fact that, above all, having an own company we are given with a possibility to be responsible for our choices and become independent from our superiors.
praca w agencji marketingowej
Author: Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland
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Development of the field of marketing – how does it influence the way the management of different enterprises looks like currently?

Learning how to manage a business appropriately is in most cases thought to be a quite complicated task. It is so, because often people, who have obtained professional education in this area frequently find it demanding when it comes to confront theory with the reality.
industry beach
Author: Jorge Franganillo
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What are the most important trends referred to the progress of the topic of industry? What is the future of this sector going to be?

People asked regards their associations with the term industry in majority of cases find such a sector to be referred to bringing harm to the environment. It is proved by the fact that various commodities made there are made during demanding processes that take significant amount of resources and emit different gases that result in the fact that citizens of majority of industrialized cities regularly complain about the quality of the air.
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