underground mining equipment
Author: Chris
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Just how to increase the work of the miners?

Everybody understands that working in a coal mine is the dangerous task that requires a lot of scarifies. The miners that work there are really brave people because they need to deal with plenty of dangers, including lack of lamp, high heat and the danger of methane explosion.
Author: NAVFAC
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Different ways of gaining energy – information, advantages and disadvantages.

Nowadays there are a lot of various methods of obtaining the energy. Some of them are called the green energy. but some are constantly polluting our planet, but they are not expensive and tested. People have been providing energy for their homes, vehicles and industry from our planet natural resources such as coal, other fossil fuels, gas, sun, wind, water and from artificial sources such as nuclear power plants. Each and every of those ways have their good sites and bad sites.
Author: William Murphy
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Anchors Away – history of the MS Batory – first journey voyage, fight, exile

The MS (Motor Ship) Batory is one of the most popular Polish Transatlantic ships and a icon of Polish exile. It was called “Lucky Ship”, because it took part in many militaryaction during WWII (e.g. it participated in the battles of Narvik) without taking big damage. It was destroyed after thirty six years of action.
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