Author: Matthew Ragan
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The most famous revolution in shoes fashion since many years

Not that long ago, sport shoes were being worn only to the gym or during some sport activities. It all changed a while ago, when everybody started to be really crazy about sport shoes.

The most famous revolution in shoes fashion since many years

It is relatively hard to say when and how this happened exactly.
european patent search
Author: PeCeT_full
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Finest way to get international patent

When Poland became member of European Union many things has changed. Local investors get a chance to cooperate with European companies and thanks to that their firms progress much.
Author: Ronaldo Ferreira
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Order custom software in the best IT company

At the moment, almost every person in Poland owns a mobile phone, that is using many various apps. That's why modern firms are investing in IT solutions, to be nearer to their customers and to simplify their own labor.
mining tools
Author: Grao Castellon
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The best equipment for developed mother lode

Poland husbandry is operating on many fields these days, but still some of the largest area of the industry are mother lodes. Nothing odd in that, still our earth is stuffed with coal, and inhabitants are using it for heating during the winter.
Author: Bird&Co
Taken from: Bird&Co

Automobiles – where are they come from?

Everybody knows and travels by vehicles. Some part of our society has additionally a driving license and a chance to drive on their own. However, not everyone is mindful where the cars come from.

Automobiles – where are they come from?

If you want to get to know the history better and deeper, it's worth to find out more about the dads of the automobile.

Automobiles – where are they come from?

The first pages of history state about Ferdinand Verbiest that probably presented the first model in 1678.
Fotoportret dziewczyny
Author: Robert Moran
Taken from:

New wonderful fashion regarding portraits

Many men and ladies, when thinking about portraits, have in mind some old fashion images, which they see during various trips to museums or castles. Surely, it makes much sense as many portraits you could see previously, was mainly located in those places.
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